Millions of triumphs happen every day in a Planet Fitness. So we created a place where people could share theirs, from grand to tiny. It quickly grew into a community of support and inspiration. Raising pride and goosebumps daily in other members, the employees and even the CEO.
Launched 3 years ago, the community has over four hundred thousand members, over 100 million pageviews, and well over a million pieces of content, comments and user engagements. Planet of Triumphs has become a vibrant community and valuable member retention, and acquisition engine for the brand.
Strategy & Copy
Prompting the User
To make it easier for our users to upload their triumphs, we created images and titles to help them post.
What it all boils down to.
A few stats that sum up all our triumphs.
It's A Family Thing
Dietz & Watson has been made by family, for families, for over 75 years. It's kind of their thing. We got a little help from Brooklyn...
Storm the Centre
We teamed up with Under Armour to create a youth hockey program for our great neighbors to the north. Throughout the 6-week Armour Cup...